Using selection tool, area that are suppose to be elevated or depressed are selected.
Then, move tool is used to control the height of the contour, better to control using perspective.
Mr sky portal were selected to give out a shadow effects towards the building and surroundings.
Height of it could be alter using the move tool.
Getting materials from the materials' library.
Once materials are confirmed, drag to the direct spot to create the texture.
Materials applied in the shaded option of the views.
Rendering should go through the trials and errors to achieve the best materials and textures to support the design.
Different type and textures of cement for trial.
Render to see the actual textures and colors.
Camera were placed to adjust the perspectives.
Change the view from perspectives to camera that has been set earlier to adjust the perspective.
Move tool were used to move the camera angles.
Changed the length of the stock lenses to achieve a longer view based on the best perspective.
After everything was set, right click, the menu drop out, freeze were chosen to freeze the angles and lock it.
Both these angles were chosen and rendered to proceed to further editing in photoshop.
The building were adjusted to match the background.
In the end, shadows were added to create a more realistic look.
The building involved a bit of adjustments in the color balance to cope with the surroundings.
After that, shadows were added to create the textures on site.

From this project, it requires a lot of creativity and critical thinking skills to combine both the building and the surroundings, it was rather hard when we need to imagine how to getting the real shadows, but it was necessary to catch up with all these skills. Therefore this project is rather interesting that I can merge my design into a real surrounding.
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