Project 3B: Dreamscape for the Self 'Hideout'

Task 3B- Narrative, Conceptualization and Design Design Guidelines

-  Application and exploration of basic design principles and materials in creating spatial qualities to capture narrative and storyline.
-  Choose and understand the character and personality that you have selected. Character should be someone known and have establish itself in his profession and is very relevant in industry he or she is into. Non-fictional famous people as clients (alive or deceased), ex; a hideout and dreams pace for: contemporary figures of our time such as: Fashion Designers, Product Designers, Celebrities, and Models, Sports figure, Political figure and others (refer to suggested list).
-  Several questions shall be looked into in the development of the ‘City Dream space’, here are some guiding questions: How does the body shape the space?, how does the space influence the mood and its activities?, how does material engage the senses? And how do the senses determine the choice of materials?
-  You will be required to design a sequence of at least 2-3 spaces that takes up anywhere in the provided site plan not more than 70% of the site(not exceeding FLOOR AREA: 110 sq. m and 12.0m high), refer to Site Plan for exact Dimension. Your design should either engage with at least one of the two existing buildings, or possibly both walls of the two buildings. 


Hideout - For Zuckerberg

This project makes learn more about materials, elements, principles of designs. It let me gained a lot of exposure towards the modern styled architecture and also a bit of futuristic because we need to know about the real materials for the actual hideout, which actually needs a bit of logic part for the design.
For each of the space specifically designed for the client has story itself, each part of the space are actually personal experience or interpretation of my client to the design. This actually need researches on the client profile, materials, etc.
And for the model making, it acquire skills to actually pull of nicely and not messy, making the whole thing look realistic to make others understand your design even more collaborating with the design narratives.


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