Project II B: Interior Rendering


Interior waterfall was imported, scaled and moved to necessary space.

The material of the sidings were chose, dark timber was used to match the slits.

Materials of each of the stones at the bottom of the waterfall were changed to pebbles.


TV was imported and moved to the space desired.

TV was scaled into the size matching the interior.

Then the TV was slightly tilted to fit in as if it was wall moiunted.


Sofa was moved towards the opposite side of the wall of TV.

And then, scaled into the size that matches the interior surrounding proportion.


Coffee table were imported, scaled and moved to necessary space.


The table decor was imported.

After importing, the table decor seems to be without any material's textures, therefore the materials should be considered.

All the materials were solid wall's texture therefore I downloaded some materials to trial and error.

Importing a few materials from the exterior materials' library.

 Trial and error with different materials.


 Downloaded shelf was imported.

The imported shelf was rotated, scaled and moved into position.

 Materials were considered.

 Light timber and concrete were used to match the slits and the surrounding materials.

 Materials were finalized then the console was moved into selected space.

 Materials were selected for the slits of bulbs, and placed at the center point of the living room.


Shelf's details were taken care of, each frames were put in and changed materials individually.

Every details were placed, moved and scaled to certain space.

Basket's material was individually layered by adding in bitmap, to create the texture and also the color. Rendering was needed to confirm the textures.

 Small bulbs lamps were imported but was in the same material as a whole.

 Therefore the sphere's polygons were selected to detach from the steel itself.

Bulbs were detach and self illuminate materials were used.

 The shelf's details were finally done.

 Dummy was placed at the nightstand, and texture were test out with rendering.

 UVW were altered to find the best amount of materials included in.

Sunlight were adjusted and placed to create the light and shadow, multiplier, color render were all adjusted,

 Try render of living room.

 Try render of bedroom.

Lighting rendering.



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