Project 1: Representing me


Right attitude
Be adventurous and highly creative with your ideas and translation
Be experimental and explore possibilities
Just start somewhere, seek inspiration and know who you really are
Make the most out of time, continuously scribble and sketch at the end of the day you can collate and consolidate various and varied ideas into one good concept.

Enjoy the thinking and design process. Ending up with a blank paper and plain or unarticulated form means you gave up along the way.
Be as productive as possible, always and make the most of your time to discuss it with your tutors.


  • Translation must be in abstract form.
  • Size of Artwork shall not exceed prescribe dimension of (300mm x 300mm x300mm; no side of the objects dimension shall exceed the abovementioned).
  • Materials shall be cardboard, acrylic or transparencies, tracing paper and other forms of cardboard.
  • NO Balsa wood and avoid very colourful materials. 

This is like a starting of the design session since the project itself is called representing me, its like an ice breaking session for the students with the tutors. I learned that design process is the most important thing for a design, mind mapping and sketches will tell the whole concepts for your designs and they are also things that attract the other to see how actually develop into the final design.
I improved my intrapersonal skill for further challenging and developing my own ideas, and also interpersonal skill for presenting and explaining my design to the others.


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