Project II: GENIUS LOCI Site Analysis & Concept Development

Group work: Site conditions & analysis (5%)

In the same group from Project 1, conduct site analysis of the physical context within the identified MACRO site.
Use the following reference as a framework for your recording and analysis of your site: White, E. 2004. Site Analysis: Diagramming Information for Architectural Design. Tallahassee, Florida: Architectural Media Ltd.
Collect data and record on the following using maps/diagrams and/or models:

  • Orientation (sun path) 
  • Climate (rainfall & temperature) 
  • Site contours 
  • Adjacent street and vehicular traffic patterns 
  • Pedestrian circulation 
  • Neighbouring contexts 
  • Vegetation 
  • Views from the site 
  • Views to the site 
  • Views through the site 
  • Noise 
  • Human-Cultural Site analysis 
Produce a site analysis of the identified MACRO site. 5-10 minute digital presentation per group.


Individual work (20%)

Personal Interpretation & Concept Development as a response
Historical research: Historical tracings of the MACRO site Mapping a site over a series of significant stages in the course of its history provides a description of the life and memory of a place. They can provide inspiration for a contemporary idea that connects directly with past archaeology/memory/history of the site.
Conduct a historical research on the place. Data could be in the form of literature (published/unpublished), old photographs, maps/plans etc.

Submission: Individually, produce your personal interpretation of the MACRO site in the form of sketches. The personal interpretations of the overall character of the site will inform subsequent design decisions, and it is important to record these honestly and immediately.
Use Gordon Cullen’s serial vision and/or Steven Holl’s phenomenological readings as the basis/tool for recording your interpretation of the character of place (sketches).
You may pay attention to the following on site:

  • Materials. Each site has an intrinsic materiality (photos) 
  • The memory of place. Significant characteristics, sounds, textures, events that make them memorable. There may be aspects of the history and memory of the site that needs to be reinforced in your design. Tasks Adapted by KT 3 Updated 10/6/2015 Conclude by identifying the key character(s) of place that would form inspiration in the design, and then present a Design Concept for a Visitor’s Interpretive Centre derived from the issues discovered. This Design Concept should be presented in the form of drawings & a model

Final presentation board:


During the site visit in Sungai Lembing, we did produce site analysis which document, interpret and analyze the site context and the ‘genius loci’ of place. Site context is really important co-relating to design of the massing and space, and why is the building one and only suitable for the site. A design concept were set for a Visitor Interpretive Centre based on the site analysis conclusions. Teamwork throughout the semester was really important because during the site visit there were three sites assigned, we distributed our work force to work on each of the sites, then datas were shared among the group. I personally learned a lot from assigning a specific design just for a site, concept was really important to be fixed at the start to relate back to design.


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