Pre-Design (Design Analysis)
- Understanding the site: A thorough site investigation and analysis is required to inform students of design decision.
- Understanding the brief: Identify and research the user needs
- Based on the site and user needs, brainstorm ideas for exploration of the communal space.
Schematic Design (Problem Solving)
- Conceptual thinking
- Develop sketch plan and section to respond to environmental and user needs
Design Development (Resolving Design)
- Develop interior poetics (inside/outside relationship) by taking into account interaction between environment and architectural space/form
Assessment criteria
- Conceptual thinking (ability to generate ideas based on environmental poetics)
- Programmatic response (fulfilling criteria of the required programme; design respond to user needs)
- Poetic response (consideration of the qualities of the environment to inform the user experiences of the architecture)
- Contextual response (consideration of environmental and socio needs which informed architectural spaces and form)
- Level of craft and quality of model and drawings
- Verbal presentation to communicate and visualize architectural design and ideas
Site Visit Presentation:
Conceptual Presentation Board:

Final Presentation Board:
This project lasted for twelve weeks which I studied some precedents and looked into their design, this is because elderly home needs to put in a lot of considerations as the dignity of the elderly should be most taken care of, as they needs some assistance in walking through the center, taken the users into consideration was the major issue needs to be resolve for each of the spaces and circulation. This elderly home project guides us towards a more practical designed spaces, as there are a lot of constrains and considerations need to be interpret into the spaces to make everything work together as one. I personally feel that this project is really meaningful as elderly group are normally being forgotten and abandoned by the community as they themselves would actually lost the interest in engaging with the community. With understandings towards this group, I personally would cherish them even more than usual after stories were told.
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