Project I: Furniture For An Elderly


For a start, students to identify several main aspects of the furniture – use, size, design requirements, etc. Several key questions to be addressed:
  • Who is it for? 
  • What size should it be? Anthropometrics? 
  • Portable? 
  • Where will it be put/ does it need to be stored? 
  • Construction methods that could be used? 
  • Function - what does it do/what is it for? 
  • Are special fixings or fittings needed? 
  • Ergonomics - comfortable to use?
  • Time? - How long will it take to make? 
  1. In a group (tutorial), students to make a visit to an elderly center and identify a subject (an elderly) for investigation. Each group of students (2) is required to select an elderly as research subject to understand his/her specific needs/ attributes that will influence design of the furniture. Students to produce an illustrated report (1 A3) of their findings for tutorial on 5 April. The report will capture answers to the key questions. 
  2. From research findings, students to produce a design proposal of the furniture for Interim on 7 April 2016. The Proposal includes design concept and functional requirements of the furniture. All drawings and information to be presented on 1 A1 size board. A mock-up model of the furniture is required. 
  3. Based on the interim, students to develop the design and produce a final proposal for final presentation and submission on 14 April 2016. The final proposal and related information to be composed on 2 A1 boards. A final model of the furniture is required. 

Interim board:

Final presentation board:


This project act a head start for project two which designing an elderly home. As a tutorial group, we were required to pay a visit to a local elderly home to understand and figure out the needs and design needed for a specific user in the elderly home we chose which is Mitchell Care Home for the Elderly. After the visitation, in a pair, every group chose their specific users and we are required to talk to the elderly and understand what necessity are needed, to future interpret it into design. This project gave us a really fresh start because all these while we were designing buildings for every studio project, furniture was really new and challenging because there is a new field to look into which also helps us in developing more designing skills. I am satisfied with the outcome, as a group , we managed to cover up the all the aspects needed like the daily routine, ergonomics and characteristic of the individual to further interpret it into design. This project helps us to be aware of the specific features needed for an elderly to move around and to be portable, therefore developed some understandings before we proceed to project 2.


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