Project 3A: Dreamscape for the Self ‘Hideout’ - Site

Task 3A-Understanding the site.

  •  In groups of 4-5 members, review the group’s selected movie, the group should review and look into the architecture of the city and the design of the city scape.
  • In your review: Document your observation by capturing 10 screenshots of the film that you would like to be the backdrop of your setting.
  • The group is required to produce site materials for the purpose of developing and showcasing your final design project. The following should be produced by the group:
Model (Site) Scale 1:50 mts Plan Scale 1:100mts
3 elevations (Wall where the proposed Hideout is attached to should be blank wall and does not have to show openings. Scale 1:100mts.
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Note: Drawings in A-2 Board (or mounted on board)
  • The site will be shall be an alley/ lane or alleyway that is similar to the one seen in your selected film.
  • Please refer to the site plan below and create the desired design for the backdrop of your setting. 

Site Model:

With the understandings from the previous group project, this time we did better work together. All the members took their role and put in full effort to get the most satisfying outcome.
For this assignment, we actually watch the movie together to interpret the message of inception to our site design which is the based in Paris, but we focus majorly on the dreamy concept of Inception. We did produce a good model with all the good calculations made throughout the design process, it was satisfying indeed.


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